Our future is closely tied to human creativity. The result will be determined in large part by our dreams and by the struggle to make them real.
The profundity of this work is validated by the widespread references attributed to Csikszentmihalyi's insights. Several other books I have read refer to various pages and quotables found within the pages of Creativity and Flow. The book was organized like a scriptural lodestar for creativity.
The early chapters establish the historical context for the value, evolution, and impact of creativity. Like a first act, we learn about the characters and dynamics of a world where creativity touches every domain, field, and person of the human race.
Act two leads the reader on a dramatic journey of influences, struggles, and restictions. Sort of like the conflict of external and internal forces that either squelch or squelch the Creative in societies where conservative rules must apply so society does not dissolve "into chaos" (page 41).
Act three offers the Creative, whether professional or the average person, a glimpse of society without creativity and how to manage the environment to kindle the flames of creative energy.
I found Creativity a stimulating read with treasures of insight to inspire and provoke. Creativity will become a tattered fixture of my library.
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