"Oh, there you are, Peter!"
Pockets to adult Peter Pan from Hook
Pockets' confidence in the identity of Peter Pan in the film Hook
came about when he smooshed Peter Banning's face into a smile. He exclaimed "Oh, there you are, Peter!" This is the response I want to enjoy everyday of my life. More so, I want to be a Pockets for somebody and help them smile at the discovery of finding their creative and youthful self. That is the Pan-like quality that makes life magical.
Over the past several weeks I have thrown myself into building a Twitter presence by following artists, writers, cartoonists, illustrators, Internet entrepreneurs, creatives, and a gaggle of other interesting people. The process is time consuming, stimulating, and encouraging. The more I brush against people in cyberspace, the more I find the little frustrations and obstacles of day-to-day living become less of an aggitation. When you know what you are going to say (write) doesn't have a digital expiration date, you tend to be more thoughtful of what you communicate. What a concept! Thoughtful communication.
My blogging took a bit of a side trip the past few weeks, but I am confident that the experience was valuable. Tomorrow I will post some reviews of books and movies I consumed of late. At the moment those insights are on my Facebook and LinkedIn pages. This blog is not about reviews, but I think it is important to appreciate those elements that influence a person's creative journey.
I hope that as a reader of this blog you will begin to interact with me regarding your own creative journey. Make no mistake, you are on a creative journey. The question is whether or not you are effectively reading the map to your destination.
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