“Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous.” Bill Moyers, Journalist

Creative block (pick your poison) can rob an artist of the very will to live if allowed to fester. That is why it is so important to escape the mundane. You have probably heard the phrase "so heavenly minded that he or she is of no earthly good." That is mundane defined: consumed or trapped by earthly, worldly cares. A Bohemian attitude may help ease the depressed condition of living the life of a three job pauper, but it doesn't unshackle the creative genius within.
There are so many people with formulaic answers for creative block and the torture of living day-to-day with the mundane. Some of those solutions include: will power, visualization, coaching, drug induced stupor, or a line up of ineffective or self-destructive behaviors that may never deliver your answers. Eventually you plod through to the end with a certain level of resentment as the payoff or never finish your project.
Richard Wiseman recommends several concrete solutions in his book 59 Seconds. Wiseman throws down a challenge to the mindset that change can come by wishful thinking. "Fantasizing about your perfect world may put a smile on your face, but it is unlikely to help transform your dreams into reality." He describes the process of as "getting in touch with your inner gorilla." The actions you can take to escape the mundane -- at least long enough to regain your sanity -- include:
• Priming—work hard on the problem then do something completely different...then come back to the problem
• Perspective—Put yourself in a different role/person• Play—15 minute fun break
• Perceive—Ask yourself an interesting question and get the answer
I hit a block with my writing back in October. This week I am going to use these tools to revive the rework of one of my favorite scripts. Success is right around the corner. Chris Soth