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Monday, January 25, 2010

Stimulating a Creative Response

At the core of our being resides a reservoir of creative energy. Most of the time it lies in an undisturbed state of rest. We move from day to day without giving this incredible source of change a second thought. Then one day you are forced to make a decision that is totally new to you. You get a pink slip in a down economy, some trauma strikes you, or on a positive note you take a leap to escape the mundane. Your brain synaps start cracking with new connections. Pow! You get an idea.

You don't need to wait for trauma to smack you up side the head to get the brain generating enough energy to jump start the creative juices. There are many tools available. In my opinion, the most overstated method for generating creative energy is visualization. Capturing a vision in your mind is wonderful means of getting the imagination rolling. It is like a soft breeze on the sea of your creative core. But if you want wild, untamed creativity to flow from your being you shouldn't settle for soft breezes and hammocks.

To create a storm of creativity you need to take your mind and subconscious on a ride into the uncomfortable. A tame approach might be an aggressive brainstorming session, mind mapping, or other methods of invoking right brain activity. More radical techniques are defined by the creator. Push the boundaries of your prejudices, education, and indoctrination until you feel the reservoir stir with tempestuous power. Let the energy pour from you until you are drained of physical energy.

Spend yourself on your art or whatever is your creative expression. The best way to fill up with new creative ideas is to empty yourself and make room for more.

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