Got an old dog in your life or feeling a little like your years are multiplied by 7? There is hope. Put down that book and do some web surfing. reports:
UCLA scientists have found that for computer-savvy middle-aged and older adults, searching the Internet triggers key centers in the brain that control decision-making and complex reasoning. The findings demonstrate that Web search activity may help stimulate and possibly improve brain function.
Somehow in addition to everything else I am trying to do, I work in a daily surf fix. I search the Web for a combination of written, visual, and audio pages that interest me. I am totally digging the things I have discovered. My brain is popping with inspiration and creative ideas.
Robyn Waters, author of "The Trendmaster's Guide
But I will add a point...
Create critical mass in your soul. Make your mind so hungry for real life experiences through the resources you have at hand. I use the Internet to discover possibilities. The creative energy is reaching critical mass and I am very hungry.
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