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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Too Old To Learn

The old saying that you can't teach old dogs new tricks is crap. Old dogs that can't be taught new things are people that don't want to learn. Set in their ways, the idea of a lifestyle change or trying something new is unfathomable. You might as well ask them to walk on the moon.

Got an old dog in your life or feeling a little like your years are multiplied by 7? There is hope. Put down that book and do some web surfing. reports:

UCLA scientists have found that for computer-savvy middle-aged and older adults, searching the Internet triggers key centers in the brain that control decision-making and complex reasoning. The findings demonstrate that Web search activity may help stimulate and possibly improve brain function.

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Somehow in addition to everything else I am trying to do, I work in a daily surf fix. I search the Web for a combination of written, visual, and audio pages that interest me. I am totally digging the things I have discovered. My brain is popping with inspiration and creative ideas.

Robyn Waters, author of "The Trendmaster's Guide", encourages surfers in What Matters Most to  "leave the screens of your virtual world momentarily behind, and indulge your senses with a real world adventure." Before the Internet, reading was a catalytic resource for inspiring adventures of mind and action. I agree wholeheartedly with Robyn. Get away from the screen and experience real world adventure.

But I will add a point...

Create critical mass in your soul. Make your mind so hungry for real life experiences through the resources you have at hand. I use the Internet to discover possibilities. The creative energy is reaching critical mass and I am very hungry.

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