Of course the inevitable happened. SPLAT! A slush ball nailed Caleb right between the eyes. He was unable to open his eyes for hours. For the rest of the evening I lead my teen son around by the arm. That year he experienced the parade as a temporary blind person. Kind of reminds me of Bill Cosby's 1967 skit Revenge
We get warnings from so many voices. Don't do this. Don't do that. If you do X then Y will happen. Consequences. Danged Law of Cause and Effect. Sure, sometimes the Y absolutely sucks. On the other hand there are countless possibilities for the X factor. Randomness is the basis for Nassim Taleb's book The Black Swan
This guy doesn't have resolutions for 2010. Just goals. Resolutions get sidelined by way too many day-to-day excuses. Self-imposed black swans if you will. There may be some black swans or stray slush balls in the year. Occasionally I'll need to be lead around as a blind man. Isn't that what blogs and the whole social networking scene are about?
I don't want to always listen to conventional wisdom. I want to push myself. I want to try new things. There is way too much to do and see. I may "put my eye out" with the things and experiences I desire. What the heck. Perhaps I will be better for it.
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