Many take the stereotypical approach of Sherlock Holmes and his violin. That is, insist to conquer an instrument of art regardless of the skill or lack thereof. Practice, practice, practice. We could spend unending hours trying to perfect a craft that is more a chore than inspiration. I know a lot of people that ooze their artistic expression in everything they touch. Then there is that large body of others that struggle to make stick figures and daisy doodles.
So, how do you choose your next project or creative expression?
As I pondered this question, I recalled a scene from James Cameron's film Avatar. Fully integrated into the Na'vi culture, Jake Sully must complete his right of passage to warrior status by domesticating a fierce Mountain Banshee. The banshee is a flying carnivorous beast that resembles a prehistoric earth creature. Once a communication link is made with a Mountain Banshee (Ikran) by a biological connection, the creature bonds with it's Na'vi rider for life. The trick is that the rider must be selected by the Ikran. When Jake reaches the Ikran rookery, he asks the obvious question:

Jake: "How do I know if he chooses me?"
Neytiri: "He will try to kill you." Jake: "Outstanding."
I don't think choosing our projects or creative expression should always be easy. We can play games in our head, perhaps putter around on scratch paper, bend a few paperclips together into a wiry sculpture, or tap a tune with a pencil on the desk but there comes a time when you have to commit. Choice is about commitment.
If the treacherous climb to the place to choose your project doesn't kill you, the project itself is going to try. You have to be smarter than the project. Be stronger willed than those voices of opposition. Wrestle with your inner creative desire. Use the resources you have to create something. Don't invest a ton of money. The creative expression you perceive as yours may not choose you.
You will know you have the right project or creative expression. After you wrestle with the process for a while, your project will take flight. You will feel a release from earthly limitations. Time will seem meaningless.
You can experience oneness with your creativity.
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